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Tri Mumpuni & Mika Turpeinen

Bringing Energy to the Poor – How to set up inclusive energy systems in developing countries
21. April 2010 | 9:00 – 11:00 Uhr | Ort: Telekom Austria Group, Wien

Approximately 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity – and 2.4 billion people still use traditional biomass, such as firewood and charcoal, for cooking and heating. An adequate and sustainable supply of energy is one of the pillars necessary for economic and social development in developing countries. Ensuring reliable access to electricity, particularly for the poor, is a challenge for governments, businesses and development cooperation. Creating small-scale energy
generation is one promising approach to service the poor. But the right technology alone will not bring power to the people.

Tri Mumpuni and Mika Turpeinen showed how financial, technological and regulatory obstacles to electrification in rural regions in developing countries can be overcome, how private investments can be attracted and how a viable and manageable inclusive energy system can be set up.

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