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Rama Velamuri

Innovation in Emerging Markets – How emerging market companies rethink innovation and what we can learn from them
15. Juni 2010 | 8:00 – 10:00 Uhr | Ort: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend, Wien

Rama Velamuri explained why the emerging world is no longer a mere source of cheap labour, but rivals the rich countries for business innovation and how it is reinventing systems of production and distribution and experimenting with entirely new business models. He showed why emerging markets are now fertile sources of innovation and what Western companies can learn from companies there.

Old assumptions about innovation are being challenged. People in the West like to believe that their companies cook up new ideas in their laboratories at home and then export them to the developing world. But this is proving less true by the day. Western companies are embracing “polycentric innovation” as they spread their R&D centres around the world. And companies in emerging countries are becoming powerhouses of innovation in everything from telecoms to computers. A reason for this development lies in the fact that the very nature of innovation needs to be rethought. Innovation cannot be equated only with technological breakthroughs, embodied in revolutionary new products that eventually trickle down to the masses. Many of the most important innovations consist of incremental improvements to products and processes aimed at the middle or the bottom of the income pyramid.

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